Seriously, I wish I could classify each year with a suitable subject. The reason I say this is perhaps because my last post came nearly an year back. Perhaps I also reason to myself that this blog would sort off serve as a memoir for myself. Perhaps to kind of help me in telling the 'story' to my kids one day. Perhaps I 'm using the word 'Perhaps' too much.Perhaps.
Not that its just this year that I find hard to recollect. what about the year before? or the one before that????? geez , surely loads of things have happened.! yeah thats for sure.! Perhaps my memory serves me only this well.
So here I am sitting up at near 3 A.M in the morning trying to think of a good subject , a right tagline , for the year that has nearly gone by.......... nothing yet. Before typing out this line let me tell you there was a substantial pause. Yet , no recollections could be made. The grey cells in my brain could have gone black if you know what I mean. The past is always supposed to be glorious ain't it. Or maybe a not so great present makes the past 'oh so glorious'. Future? well , thats a part of speech I rather not delve at the present.
Still nothing. I don't wanna write my memoir about my 'job' or the work I did/do. Don't wanna bore my kids ,do I now.! Thats it!!! The reason perhaps why I'm not able to find a suitable subject is because I hardly never did anything besides work. hmmmm bummer.
Not that I haven't been thinking of late. oh no no no , maybe I am thinking a tad too much. Thinking of what? usually my thoughts are 'oh what was I thinking!!', I think.
As I write this I realize one thing......... I am awesome.!!
Naa...... I just wanted to write that above line for the heck of it. Those having watched the sitcom 'How I met your mother' would easily understand where that come from. Aha , so that is responsible for my current predicament. A sitcom!. Maybe thats the reason i'm sitting here and trying to write this blog in the first place.
Stories to tell my kids , where else would I get this crazy idea from anyways.
or maybe I am writing this because I might forget the present in the future.Do I have a weak memory ??? quite frankly I simply don't remember!!!!.