Well ,I got them at MY home.
'Sleep is when you sleep on your own bed'.
If you get up and dont feel a nagging pain somewhere or dread, either you are young or better yet dead!.
That meant I was OLD.And I am 22 years OLD , not young.!
Coming back to MY bed(which promted this web log)....
When I wake up (which i eventually do) from MY own bed I no longer feel dread or a nagging pain anywhere(which I never did ,forunately).
So what could be the explaination???
Bed bugs ofcourse!! Friendly ones at that!
Shashi Taroor said he took stock of his life on his 30th B'day......hmmmmm...maybe I still have time.Or maybe I should read the book 'Life begins @ 40!'. Whatever the case I have time .
Like I care , need I?
I love my neighbours.
I love my work.
I love the dogs that dont let me sleep at night.
I love Manchester United.
I love Australian cricketers.
I love everything!.
I woke up from MY bed today!
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