Lets just say I'm a thinking man.! :P
I'm in a very busy street surrounded by many people. Some looked familiar others made me feel alien.
The setting had changed 'oh so much' over time. I have known the street my entire life.
We walked to a store that hadn't changed a bit since I've first known it.
I've frequented the store since as long as I can remember.
Lord , let lightning strike me and take my soul to hell if I were to say I know the name of the store casue it would be a LIE.!
We enter the store , order the usual(mango milkshake with icecream).
The store looked the same . Not a thing has changed .
Well for only one thing , the rates have changed .
The board displaying the rates was the same . A new layer of cheap paint displaying the new rates over the old one(over and over again) (The old ones we could still make out , with some not so carefull observation).
The man taking the order was the same . The same man doing the same job probably since ever!.
The man has stark white hair as before (or was it black/grey/greying earlier??? I dont know , my memory serves me only so long.).
This man was never a man of so many words. Sometmes I wondered if he simply wasnt interested in speaking.
He took the order , repeated the same to someone inside and waited for the processing to get over. I looked into his eyes for the first time perhaps expecting to see dispear , misery even?. Yet they protrayed NOTHING. I wondered if he would recongnize me if he saw me in an different setting?. I wondered if i would have before tonight?.......
He served the order in a clinical fashion (stone faced as ever . no smile . no nothing). it was business as usual for him.
Took the billed amount , returned the change(didnt complain over the high denomination note given to him) and went about to take and complete further orders. It indeed was business as usual.
Life goes on , I told myself.
But for him it was business as usual.
business as usual......same...same....Business as usual.!
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