Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Hungarian

We were on the way to Paris. The train was wobbling away from Munich at a slumber pace.
As exciting are the train journeys in India; as much boring they are elsewhere.

I realized (sadly) that there was not going to be any 'chaiii chaiiii' (Tea) selling attendant in the train.
I eventually decided to explore around a bit. Took a left and started moving forward (opposite to the direction of the moving train). The doors at the end of each coach were opened on the press of a red button near the side of the door.

After some 5 coaches the next door refused to open completely. I tired some 5-6 times and it opened just one third of the frame.
Can i squeeze through it? Let me see...naa...if only just a little more wide perhaps.
With nothing else to do I went back to my coach for some shut eye.

Woke up around 7.....what happened in the night you ask??? That’s a total new blog entry!!!!

Took a right and continued my search for 'chaii'. Paris was still some 2 hours away. After some 3-4 coaches was obstructed by a lady who was struggling with her luggage. I stood behind her and didn't even mutter as much as an 'excuse me'. (For the pathway was only big enough for one)

After a while she looked back, saw me and apologetically said "Bocsánat" (buchaaarnot?)
 [Pronounced "bochanot", Hungarian word for 'Sorry', 'Excuse me'].
Immediately my mind went to the sitcom "Mind your language" to the character of Zoltan Szabo. Sooo lost in thought at hearing this was I , that I didn't even noticed that the lady was nearly hugging the side of the train and lifting her luggage over her head so as to let me pass.

"Sorry", I said.

"Bocsánat", she repeated.

"That’s what means isn’t it ....Hungarian aren’t you !" and for some strange reason , I made a action on eating when I said this ! (Dunce)

"Bocsánat", she repeated.

"Bocsánat", I beamed (my feet going nowhere).

"barg gargb wubber wubber ding a along" said a man suddenly appearing beside her.

Instinctively, I turned and headed back to my coach. I thought I heard some snickering behind me.
To this day I do NOT know whether I could have got hold of some tea in the later section on the train.

My head was full of Hungary, Bucharest and buchaaarnot, no sooner did I see my friends, I started mumbling

‘You know what just happened.....mind your language ....Hungary ....buchaaarnot.......!'.

The look on their faces and the mismatched wavelength was enough for me to stop my mumbling, though I still remained lost in Hungarian thoughts.

After a while, got up, took the left and wandering ahead. Again crossed some 5 coaches and came to the door that was not opening the night before. What I saw through it made my heart skip more than a couple of beats. That was the last coach of the train and had I managed to squeeze through it last night , I , no doubt would lie clobbered on the tracks on Nantes.

I went close to the door and peered at the fast disappearing tracks outside, my heart was in my foot now.
After gazing through it for a few moments, I recovered slightly and turned back.

As I did so I nearly crashed into a lady coming out of the train restroom. Taken aback, I stumbled backwards towards the door.

Then I saw who that lady was,

"Bocsánat", she said!!!

P.S : She still haunts me .............

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