Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A case of the blues....

"What I do not get is why people are running behind things that really do not matter in the long run"

"Oh we go again. Looks like you got a case of the blues myte ....cheer up !"

"No, I mean ...Seriously !...and I don't even mean in the far future ; but things that are really obsolete in the very near future to be"

"Everything is situational isn't it ?"

"Yes, it is....but....should it be ? You see people always worry the same amount. Take me for example : I cannot believe some 5-6 years back I worried about stuff such as some dipshyte college exams! "

"You always worry too much!"

"No...its always the same... the worry topics have changed that’s all."

"Life is but replacing one worry with another"

"Yes ...that’s the point! ...and that is what’s sad.....depressing even!. I look into the past and there have always been worries .... its not the worry that worries me...but the fact that it all seems so lame now that gets my goat"

"So..... you shouldn't have worried then because they wouldn't have mattered in the long run?"

"No...not that ....given everything is indeed must've really mattered at that time...but the question is 'should it have mattered?' "

"You should have a check on your ol' uncle n'Ed once!. One can only really answer that question if they know what is going to happen in the long run."

"Yes; you are right 'm afraid. With an unknown future the present is always tricky"

"So the point the you are getting ticked off on such things is that you have a set 'plan' "

"No....err...first ; stopping saying 'plan'. It ticks me off when someone makes a gesture for grammar quotes with their hands. I mean whats that for anyway !"

" you got 'everything' figured out and 'nothing' ticks you off...."

"Yes; one more thing that ticks me @$$ sarcasm!"

"In all seriousness....there is NO grand design ; all are not born to fulfil some prophecy ; to accomplish something or the other ; there is NO great purpose ....mediocrity is the order of the day. "
 < bangs fist on the table >

"Woah ....Looks like you got a case of the blues myte ....cheer up ! "

P.S: If he existed I would have killed him.!

1 comment:

Deepak Mishra said...

Nice one. This blog was already in making since the revolutionary day Nov 08th. Unfortunate the first take off for the revolution lacked the propulsion to get to the escape velocity and get out of the gravity of the blues.
Not yet my friend Not yet.