Thursday, August 16, 2012

Of all the Nothings!

Oh well , when I look back at the old posts they are indeed serving their purpose. Reminding me of the old times.

Of how lame/stupid/erratic or downright brilliant I 'was' when i penned that entry.This ofcourse depends on when I read those old posts and yes they were indeed lame/stupid/erratic or downright brilliant!.

Then again , this is 2012 and there isn't an entry ....yet.

So ,here I am ,penning down an lame/stupid/erratic or downright brilliant web log entry.

So whats it going to be about ? NOTHING.! nothing ? yes,NOTHING.! (remember 'The Pitch' from Seinfeld ??).

Because the year has been about just that - NOTHING. Well , something might have happened at the office .....

something might have happened on the way...on the way to someplace ....something?....nope....NOTHING.

Hmm....or is it that those 'something' dont warrent a mention. Hence those 'something' remain 'nothing'.

Perhaps ,I should indeed pen down those 'something' which are infact 'nothing' because if I dont pen them down I wouldn't remember them.?

No. surely I wouldn't need to recollect events as it were. If an event meant something I would remember it just the way it was/were/is. (Disclaimer : plenty of events that did indeed mean more than something - but I have no trouble recollecting those events/conversations {smiles}. Its the bad ones I have trouble recollecting. -so far so good.!)

So,Am I going to do something about all this nothings !?. I try; trust me I do. Till now ,however,and sadly at that , those something I do about those nothing have all come to nothing. Sounds familiar ? Perhaps.
Nothing more ,nothing less.

Happiness is indeed short term stupid self-interest (as aptly put by a certain Mr Bill Watterson). It is this stupid self interest which perhaps would mean absolutely nothing in the long (or not so far even) run that perhaps i am looking for. but ...but...

one shouldn't know(surely!) that the pursuit is of 'stupid' self interest to start with.

Ofcourse there is no rocket science anymore;even the rocket scientist perhaps no longer do any 'rocket' science.

Its just that- if the short term stupid self interest doesn't seem 'stupid' at that time .....
oh how B-E-A-utiful life can be.......

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